The Queen of Love was born in poverty who are, no cloth to cover himself, no drop of oil to polish her belly button, no lights to illuminate her birth, She is the daughter of the fourth, then disebutlah Robi'ah. The father bend sad about this, want to borrow or ask for, has become a taboo for him. Everything hung on Alloh, he dreamed the sadness, the Prophet's Meet the console, "Meet the Governor Basra, and say," Every night you send me Sholawat 100 times, and every Friday night 400 times, yesterday was Friday night and you forgot it kelalaianmu redeemer mengerjakannya.Sebagai, give this man 400 dinars, Yang has been you get with halal. "Gubernurpun to give what is required by the Prophet, Plus a 2000 dinars for alms to the poor, is sufficient for the needs of families already Robi'ah . Until it speaks another famine disaster Basrah.Seorang criminals Robiah kidnapped, then sold on the market for the price of 6 dirhams budak.Dengan, employer buy it and give it tasks that heavy. Robiah daytime working while fasting, spent the evening and mujahadah Rob-muajahah with nya.Kedekatan move toward aqroban, Keaqroban led to a longing and yearning has delivered on his love for his Lord.
"I was His. I live under the shade. I remove everything that has been gained in Him. I've known him, because I appreciate "
One cold night, the employers feel the restlessness in his heart. So she began to walk round the house, surrounding Checking, Checking the keys to her house, and when he reached near the warehouse where Robi'ah lived, made her own shock was nervous, which was originally held light now thrown some kemana.Bagaimana not, when he poked his head into in space where robiah rest, he was seen running robiah prayers, And ... .. And on it was a bright light because light lamp benderang.Bukan it does not depend on anything. The next day, Robi'ah called, employer convey his desires. He freed Robiah as independent budak.Kini Robi'ah. Although the employer wished Robiah want to stay at home, but he chose to go away from the people sekitar.Dan he found a little cave village lane. He stay there. One day in spring, Robi'ah entered his residence, then he looked out for the maid exclaimed, "Mom, come out and watch, what has been done by the Creator" "Better engkaulah in here" "and the witness of the Creator's sendiri.Aku such a cool look of the Creator, so what else do I care for creation-creation? "said Robiah from dalam.Suatu night because too tired, she fell asleep. A thief slipped into the house, And stole her veil. But, no seen the exit. The veil is placed, the exit visible. The veil was taken, the exit can not be seen again, a voice, "Hey man, there is no point in you trying coba.Sudah-Robi'ah years of service to us. Satan himself did not dare to come to him. But how could a thief dared try to take the veil. Get out of here. If a friend was asleep, then the friend got up and just in case "
When a friend brought a rich man who wants to give money to the gold Robiah, Robiah said, "He has to provide for the people who menghujjahNya.Apakah He will provide for those who love Him? Since I knew him, I've turned away from human creation. I do not know whether someone is legitimate wealth or not, but how I can accept the gift? Tanggap Ko-a quiet evening and quiet, the longing with the Supreme Creator, with humility Robiah murmured, "Yes Alloh, whatever will you grant me the this world, give to your enemies. And whatever will you grant me the next, Give it to your friends, because you alone is enough for me "" Yes Alloh, all efforts and all the desires payahku pleasures of this world, is to remember you. And Hereafter later, among all the fun hereafter, is to meet with You. So it is with me, As kukatakan.Kini Act as You will "Rabi'atul Adawiyah was one of the great heroine of the famous with the nature Islam.Beliau wara 'and a reference group Sentiasa intelligentsia because he never runs out hujjah.Ikutilah between exemplary stories about him ..
Karamah and virtue Robi'atul Adawiyah
A quiet night in when people are sleeping soundly, a thief had tried to enter the hut Rabi'atul Adawiyah. But after looking for something around many times, he does not see a valuable object except a pitcher for the ablution ', and even then ugly. Then the thief in a hurry to get out of the cabin.
Suddenly Rabi'atul Adawiyah thief rebuked them, "Hey, do not come out before you take anything from this house." The thief was startled because he thought there was no occupants in the cabin. He also was surprised karen new this time he met a host of so kind as host Rabi'tul Adawiyah.Kebiasaannya would have screamed for help when a burglar entered his home, but this is different, "Please get something." Rabiatul Adawiyah said to the thief again. "No what-what can I take this from your house." said the thief frank.
"Take that!" Rabi'atul Adawiyah said, pointing to a bad pitcher said. "This is just a bad pitcher is not valuable." Replied the thief.
"Take a jug and take it to the water booth. Then you take wudu 'uses the jug. Solatlah After the 2 cycles. Thus, you have taken something very precious than this jelekku cottage." Reply Rabi'tul Adawiyah.
Hearing these words, the thief had gementar taste. Heart that had been hard, be gentle as fascinated with words that Rabi'tul Adawiyah. Then the thief mengamibl ugly jug and brought to the water booth, then makrooh menggunakannya.Kemudian him perform solat 2 cycles. Apparently he felt a sweetness in her soul and kelazatan never felt before. Rabi'atul Adawiyah then prayed, "O Allah, pencuriini has tried to get into my house. But he did not see a valuable object to dicuri.Kemudian I tell him to stand before Thee. Thou not therefore prevented him than memperolehnikmat and your grace . "
On one day, a group of scholars group has come to the house Rabi'atul Adawiyah. Their aim is not other than he is to test the perbagai problem. In fact they have been prepared with an interesting problem. They put a high confidence, because there has never Rabi'atul Adawiyah shortage argument. "O Rabi'atul Adawiyah, all forms of virtue which high God has given to men, but not to women." Chairman of the group began to talk. "Proof?" Reply Rabi'atul Adawiyah.
"The proof is, the crown of prophethood and the Apostles had been given to the nobility also lelaki.Malah crown dikurniakan to the lelaki.Paling important, no one any woman who has been appointed as the Prophet or Apostle, even all of the groups of men." They also answered with confidence.
"It's true opinion of the gentlemen as well. However, we must remember that the rank evil of the men there, too. Who's glorifying yourself? Who would dare accuse him such as God? And who say: 'Did I This noble gods? "With a calm, Adawiyah returned Rabi'atul their argument with reference to Pharaoh and Nimrod.
Then again Rabi'atul Adawiyah adding, "The presumption and such talk is never out of the mouth of a woman. In fact everything is done by men."
One day, a Rabi'atul Adawiyah merlihat walking with his head swathed while asking for sympathy from the crowd. Because people want to know why it did so, Rabi'atul Adawiyah asked, "O slave of Allah! Why do you wrap your head so much?" "My head hurts." The man responded with a brief. "For how long?" Rabi'atul Adawiyah asked again. "It's been a few days." He replied with tenang.Lantas Rabi'atul Adawiyah asked, "How old are you now?" The man answered, "It's been 30 years" "How are you doing for 30 years?" Tanyabeliau again. "Thank God, in good health." He replied. "Did you put something in your body signs that you're healthy all this time?" Ask Rabi'atul Adawiyah. "No." Replied the man hesitated. "Masha'Allah, for 30 years God has your body healthy body, but you do not put anything directly sign to show you sebagaitanda healthy thank God. If on the other hand, certain people will ask you why you're so excited. If they know the favor of Allah unto you, hopefully they will be grateful and praise God. " Rabi'atul Adawiyah clear. "However, now when you get sick a little, you're wrapping your head and then went there sakitmu here for show-and-tumble of God in you to the people Why are you such a despicable act?" Connect the Rabi'atul Adawiyah lagi.Orang clad head was just silent and bowed embarrassed by his treatment. Then he quickly left Rabi'atul Adawiyah with irritation and aware.
"Yes Alloh, if I worship Thee from fear of Hell, burn me in Hell; and if I worship Thee from hope of Paradise, campakkanlah me from the heaven, but if I worship Thee for Thou alone, do not reluctant to show You're a timeless beauty to me "
The death of Robi'atul Adawiyah
Regarding the death of the opinion that there are two 135-year H / 752M or 185 years AH / 801 AD By that he strongly religious, always putting Robi'ah preparation shroud next to him later when he was praying. When it came time to leave Robi'ah this mortal world, he suggests with her hand to the people out, people who had stayed with, now one by one let robi'ah sendiri.Setelah, they heard voices from inside the room Robi ' ah, "Well nafsul muthmainnah. Irji'i ila robbika "A few moments later there was no sound came from robi'ah room. They then opened the door and get berpulang.Konon after Robi'ah have a dream that was seen Robi'ah, To him asked, "How do you deal with Munkar and nakir, O Robi'ah?" Robi'ah replied, "The two angels It came to me and asked, "Who is your Lord?". I replied, "Go to your Lord and tell Him," Among the thousands of creatures there, do not forget a frail old lady. I only have you in the wide world, never forget Thee, but why did you send a messenger just ask "Who is your Lord" to me? "
O God, pour and pour it keridhoan and grant us with the secrets that you keep him, Amin
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