ألسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Praise be to Allaah, Lord of the Worlds.
And peace and hope always tercurahkan our Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him, family, friends, and those who follow him until the end of time.
Hubbud World (World Love). That's a big headline that descend disease many people today. Existence of the world beyond the existence of God. Unfortunately again, even many people who are destructive nature as a creature. With menuhankan world. Na'udzubillahi mindzaliq. I hope such things are protected from self-Muslims and those who believe. The people who still raises his asthma, and glorify his girlfriend, Muhammadur rasulullahu salallahu 'alaihi wasallam.
Love the world disease and fear of death did not happen today. This is the story and the behavior repeated. Of course remember how Pharaoh (Ramses II) who thinks he is God. Have complete control over the self. But, when dying (when he rolled the ocean while pursuing the prophet Moses), then he bermunajat the God Almighty. Unfortunately, it's too late. Only, his body until now remained guarded by God, as a lesson for the people in the future.
Basic disease, love the world up to now is still just keep repeating. Form and shape vary. However, in principle, love of the world is always triggered by the material. Thus, today many people vying for sustenance without knowing the day and night. Hard work day and night, went home early evening, wring sweat the bone slam for the world. Unfortunately, they forgot the Content Owner Maha, God 'may He be glorified. They are not afraid to Allah?
Medicine immediately repent. Come back to love God with not deny the world. Because of great benefit to body and soul. Syurga return for those who want to love God. But not all the way to love God with riya '. Love God with sincerity. Zuhud is to God, like Muhammad who until his death chose to become the children sky, not the children of the world.
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq ra, (would) give all their wealth to the Prophet Muhammad, after struggling in the way of Allah Almighty, for the sake of Islam as a totality of life. A lover does not hide anything from her lover, even he will give everything to him. That lesson of Abu Bakr, a respected in his day.
Conditions of love of God is with bala trials. It was precisely through which the prophets of Allah to the Prophet earlier. Thus, each reinforcement trials accompanied by loyalty. In order not labeled admit claiming only love God with lies, hypocrisy, and riya '. The road (to) al-Haqq 'may He be glorified requires honesty (intensity-shidq) and light makrifat. At the end of the love that a Muslim would find happiness living a dream. Like Muhammad managed to make Islam victorious centuries.
If closeness to Him is completely authentic, then He will pour His mercy grace. He will open the doors of his (making up and qadar), tenderness door, the door of mercy, and His grace window. He hold the world to people who are grateful, and spread as wide as possible. Of course, all this gift of His only given the choice of human beings. Because He knows they will faith. They never concern themselves with something to forget his doze.
Prophet, including one who offered the world, but not busy and forget to take care of his serve. He did not look at the parts (sustenance) with all the perfection zuhud and opposition. He had offered the keys of the prison property, but instead he returned it saying, "Lord, I hidupkanlah as poor and as I turn off the poor, and I gather one day with poor people". For us Muslims, the Prophet of the struggle is very precious in His side. Struggle he gave, is for Muslims, as the best people on earth God Almighty.
Zuhud is the gift of piety. A believer is free from the burden off collecting worldly ambitions, nor greedy and in a hurry. Berzuhud over everything with all my heart and turned from him with all my conscience. A Muslim is only busy with what he was told. He knew part of it will not escape from him, so he did not have to look. He let the parts (temporal) ran behind him, humble and begged him to accept it.
Narrated back by 'Abdul Kadir al Jilani of Sufyan al-Shawri, at the beginning of his education, his stomach tied in with money sabuki himyan for 500 dinars live and learn. She beat-beat belt with his hands and said, "If there is no you, surely they got rid of us". After obtaining knowledge of science and makrifat al-Haqq may He be glorified, so he donated the remaining money available to him for the indigent in one day and said, "If the sky is not the iron pour rain, the earth in the form of rocks grow (plants) and I (have to) concentrate on looking for sustenance, then I must be a pagan ".
So every believer to work and interact with the means to faith is truly strong, just after it moved from the facility (sabab) on the giver means (Musabib). The prophets also work, capital, and related facilities in the early state of the world they are, just in the end, they resigned themselves (trust). They work compatibly and submission as a prefix and suffix, and the nature of the Shari'a. Narrated from the Prophet, "Verily a man came toward him, then said, 'I love you because God' may He be glorified '. He was said to him, 'Make a habit reinforcement trials, make poverty a robe' ". An Arab proverb says: Stay away from snakes and tigers, because they can membinasakanmu. If you are a trainer, so-so you approach the snake, and if you've chosen the strength, the tiger's approach.
A man never met Abu Yazid al-Bisthami, then long looked to the right and left. Abu Yazid was rebuked "What the hell?" He replied, "I want to (find) a clean place to perform prayers". Direct Bayazid said, "Clean your heart first and then pray as your will". Indeed, riya 'is the obstacle in the way the (Sufi) who do not want to have them cross. Riya ', ujub, and hypocrisy, including arrows dileparkan Satan into your heart.
Do not be lulled in blast-blast (persuasion) Satan, and do not be defeated by the arrows of lust. Because he (lust) pelted soul believers with arrows of Satan, and Satan is not able to master the soul of the believer except by means of lust. Satan genie can not be mastered except through the media of human Satan, the lust colleagues bad. Memohonlah to God 'may He be glorified' and ask for his help in the face of this enemy, He will bring relief.
People who rejected (al-mahrum) are those who reject al-Haqq 'may He be glorified and the loss of closeness with Him in the world and the hereafter. God 'may He be glorified says in some of his books, "O Children of Adam! If I melewatkanmu, it will be out (of) you all things ". How al-Haqq 'may He be glorified not miss expectations believers if they turn away from Him, and from the believers and servants of His righteousness, even instead of hurting them physically and emotionally. The Prophet said, "Hurting people believer fifteen times greater (sins) on the side of God than to tear down the Kaaba and a-Bait al-M'mur".
ot be afraid of anyone, whether jinn, humans, or angels. Do not be afraid of anything well, whether animals that speak and be silent. Do not be afraid of the suffering of the world, and do not be afraid of the punishment of the hereafter too, but fear of punishment torture Giver. A decrease
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