The legal process and motivations of pilgrimage to the tomb.
At the beginning of the development of Islam, the Prophet forbade ummatnya to go on pilgrimage to the tomb. The motivation for the ban was in the days of ignorance, the grave became one of the sources and targets of the pagan dedication. Even long before that, in the days of Noah as, some of his people at the cemetery as a holy place (holy). With the ban on tomb visit in the beginning, it can be dammed back to see the emergence of anxiety of shirk, while faith and monotheism instilled by the Prophet to his disciples just at the beginning stage, yet deeply rooted in their souls.
After coaching the doctrine of unity of faith and got stronger, the Prophet received a revelation that allows to visit her mother's grave, so he showed by his own actions permissibility pilgrimage to the tomb.
Concerning the case of the Prophet visited the grave his mother, mentioned in a hadith narrated from Abu Hurayrah, which means as follows:
"Prophet Muhammad visited his mother's grave. He cried, and cried all the people around him. Then, the Prophet said: I asked permission to my Lord (Allah) to be allowed to ask for forgiveness for my mother's prayers. Plea is not allowed. Then I asked for permission to visit his grave, and allowed. Berziarahlah you, that ye remember to death. " (Ahmad and Muslim history).
From this verse it is understood that the tomb was a pilgrimage advisable, since lesson will remind and awaken the human race about the life of the Hereafter that will come and the need for preparations to deal with moments of certainty which should be discovered by each person is dead or dying one day later.
Of the developmental process of the pilgrimage over the tomb, which was originally banned, then allowed, it can be drawn a conclusion that Islamic law always consider the condition of the Ummah and the situation of a time.
In one another hadith narrated by the Judge of Abi Zar, the Prophet said:
"Ziarahilah grave, you will remember the Hereafter. Mandikanlah people who died, because actually it is a panacea that contains a solid teaching. Sembahyangkanlah body, hopefully it will inspire your heart, because those who mourn are under Divine shade in the face of each good. " (History Judge).
From various hadith that promotes and encourages a pilgrimage tomb, then the scholars argued that the law is the tomb of pilgrimage sunna (circumcision). The hikmathnya contains two kinds of values.
First, remind people of death, that at the time of the course set by God's death, each person will return to His presence.
Second, to ask for prayers for forgiveness (seek forgiveness) to Allah so that the sins of those who were diziarahi grave, forgiven by God. So grave is a pilgrimage should not be based to ask for permission, because there is something urination, ask for blessings and so forth. Later sown flowers, burned incense and other actions that are not prescribed, even a heretic heresy and misleading.
But it must be based on two motivations described above.
It is a fact, that people in general are always forgotten and neglected to death. With the pilgrimage to the tomb, then the act itself remind people to death.
The second target of wisdom about the grave pilgrimage is to offer help that can be done by someone (a family living on the people who have died, who pleaded for forgiveness prayer to God Almighty for their sins. Ties of kinship and brotherhood (ukhuwah Islamiyah) on Generally it is not only limited in the life of this world, but also to the point in life after death and in the Hereafter.
Prophet visited the grave of a friend.
Prophet often visit the graves of the Companions. Narrated by Ibn Abbas, that the Prophet frequent pilgrimages to the cemetery on the Medina, and every time the pilgrimage, he said, which means:
"Safety for you, O inhabitants of the grave. I hope Allah forgive our sins and the sins you. You are the people who have preceded us and we will follow your trail." (History Tirmizi).
In a another hadith, narrated from Buraidah, explained that speech and prayer is often recited by the Prophet when the grave pilgrimage, which means as follows:
"Safety for you and your grave professional people and Muslim believers. With God's will, kamipun will meet you. You have preceded us, and we will follow. We ask for the God of salvation for us and you." (Historical Ahmad and Muslim).
According to Siti Aisyah, when the Prophet to spend the night shift at his home, then usually in the middle of the night to go visit the cemetery he Baqi '. The Baqi 'cemetery is located one still in the city of Medina, not how far from the Mosque of the Prophet, which buried most of the friends.
Visiting the grave is not necessarily the time, can be done in spare moments or several occasions. There is no privilege on certain days, such as the late date of 1st of Ramadan, Shawwal 1, and others, which made people in Indonesia as a tradition, but it is not permissible to be on those days.
Usually on these days, the cemetery is like "the market", crowded visited by people who visit, though ... maybe most of it only once a year pilgrimage. Visiting only once a year not much can be thrust into the conscience of consciousness since death.
In the first years after the death of Siti Khadijah, the Prophet once a week for almost a pilgrimage to the tomb of the wife he loved it. Explained by Nafi ', that he himself is more than 100 times saw Ibn Umar pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet, Abu Bakr and his own father (Umar ibn al-Khattab).
Are women allowed a pilgrimage to the grave?
The scholars and jurists' has two opinions. First, who think women should not be a pilgrimage to the tomb, and the second, could say.
The first base their opinions to one hadith which forbade women to participate escort the body into the cemetery, with a variety of considerations / reasons such as that women are generally easy to drift emotions and feelings of pity, sadness, so do not worry about their mental strength to see graves that lie and feelings deep grief can recur and cause excessive hysteria.
While mourning or crying and screaming too much misery it will be the spirits of the deceased in the grave.
While the scholars who allow women to visit based on the understanding of the hadith of the Prophet who advocated for the pilgrimage, the pilgrimage was a general nature, may be done by men and women, as did many other hadith-hadith which reinforces the notion that women should pilgrimage to the cemetery. Some of these hadith states:
"From Aisha, she said:
What should I say if I was a pilgrimage, so the Messenger of Allah? The Prophet said: Say: O ye safety experts to bury those who Believers. "(Muslim).
The Prophet gave such answers is a sign that women are allowed to grave pilgrimage. If not, surely the Prophet would prohibit Siti Aisyah.
Narrated from Ibn Abi Mulaikah, that one day he met with Siti Aisha, Mother of the Believers when it returned from the cemetery. Mulaikah asked:
"Where did you come?"
"From the grave of my brother, Abdur Rahman."
"Did the Prophet did not prohibit her pilgrimage to the grave?" Mulaikah asked.
Finally, answered by Aisha:
"It's true. Rasulullah (at first) forbade the pilgrimage to the tomb, but then was sent on a pilgrimage." (Historical Justice and Bayhaqi).
Based on the arguments mentioned above, it can be concluded, that the opinion which allows the women made a pilgrimage grave, is no different as men are stronger and able to hold onto the charity. In closing, we quote a hadith which says:
"I leave to you the two teachers. The first is silent; the two who spoke. As for the mute is al-Death, and the talk is the Qur'an."
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