Life in this world is only temporary, and human life is only about 60 - 70 years just average, nothing is eternal. God created eternity only to the akherat. What's in this world and what is earned by a man in nothing eternal. So what is sought must have been destroyed this man, this is absolute existence and not a theory. Nothing is eternal in this world, the house would be destroyed, the car will break down, age will be exhausted, the property will be abandoned, even of this nature would be destroyed in time, it has limitations. Nothing in this world is not limited to, all have a limit, which is not limited later in akheratnya God. So the name of this world spenuh with uncertainty and deception. While this certainty will come only with God's promises in akherat, this is a definite and eternal. The problem today works only seek human cases is uncertain and not eternal hell again. This is the name of ignorance and this is the name deceived. Like we go sailing and then we stopped only for transit in the island. Then the island that we desperately to work, build houses, as if we will stay, but it only stops temporarily. When the ship will continue the journey we must rise to the ship could not stay. So a folly if we remove all the goods and our efforts to build a life that we will leave behind.
Later will come a time where humans will be shocked and wide to see the truth. At that time, all men will regret it and ask to be returned to the charitable world. But when it was all remorse was not any good. Akherat life will be formed from what was sought by humans while still alive in the world. All the good deeds and bad deeds we will feel the results later in akherat. Charity that brings ridho God will take us to Heaven and Amal who brought God's wrath will take us to Hell God. While our life in Heaven or in Hell is Eternal nature, unlike the temporary world. So later in akherat choice between happily ever after or suffer forever.
This world is a place to work for the faithful. What does the business of God's commandments. As for those who do not believe, this world is where they live and where to seek pleasure for them. While in akherat people who do not believe will not get part nothing but the eternal misery in hell of God as their homes forever. So the world is for believers is not the place to have fun, but a place for the rule of God sbersabar. Later there was a time when we want to wait in the world, then in akherat God will provide an unlimited period for us for having fun. In this world there is a limit it nothing is eternal. Glad there is a limit, no limit is difficult, there are limits Joy, Sadness is finite, there are limits Healthy, Pain is finite, what is pembatasnya dead. After another death story, depending on the charity that we are doing when in the world. People who like to live in the world, can not be happy for ever because someday he'll die. But after death is not necessarily in the akherat he would be happy. People are hard when the world is finite, the most difficult is to die, but after her death is not necessarily difficult in akherat. If he patiently in the world obey the commandments of God he might find happiness forever in akherat and go to heaven 500 years earlier than the rich. So also with the happy and sad, healthy and sick, all limited by death, after death all over. So while the only character in the world, the natural move is another story again, depending on the charity that we are doing in the world. So a successful life in the world is a life that can lead us to the paradise of God. In addition is a failed life.
The characteristics of people who make the world a place of residence can be seen from the business desperately so neglecting the commandment of God for something temporary just pleasures. While the characteristics of people who make akherat a residence can be seen from the preoccupations of religious deeds so that he would leave the pleasures of the world for life in akherat. People who make akherat as a return then he will always promote the value of charity in every state, the work and deeds. As for people who make the world a place he will always promote the values of secular and material in every situation, work, and actions. A world expert will work like hell for the sake of his property and things so he can get a sense of security of life in the world. As with the business of property to be able to buy houses, cars, clothing, electricity, water, telephone, and others. So someone must make a supreme effort, work overtime, in order to fulfill safe to live in this world. When keduniaannya disturbed or not met then he will be anxious and afraid. Fear is what causes this miserable world experts, the fear of poverty, fear of trouble, fear of being fired, fear of everything, afraid of other than Allah. People of Faith was the Fear that causes him to be happy, the fear of Allah.
And the name of this security and comfort comes from God not from material that we have. How many people who have electricity, water, clothes, food, houses, cars, extravagant but can not feel safe and calm. While the Prophet eating it only from disepih coarse bread, dressed only two, small super house sometimes when he was about to pray to her feet Aisha RA that did not stop him, but he returned home every always says, "Bayyiti Jannati: Mine Surgaku". Prophet SAW never complained to his condition when he SAW even when offered by the God of wealth even rejected by the Prophet Muhammad. See how our condition today how much difference our lives compared with the Prophet's life, and how we deal with it. Today what has been rejected by the Prophet Muhammad that we ask for God and that we pursue, pursue. Today we are looking for wealth and luxury in order to get the name of comfort. Prophet had folded blanket by his wife so he could give comfort to the Prophet SAW, that even the Prophet ditegor the reason may interfere with tahajjudnya. Today we put the mattress soft bed, air conditioner use, a thick blanket for what? The answer let me sleep soundly. What a difference our lives with what the Prophet SAW search. This is the situation we are today what we are looking different from what is sought by the Prophet Muhammad. One scholar said that the comfort that we can shirk from God, while we Mujahaddah be closer to God.
Prophet never gave an example if you want to be happy and glorious to be rich. Even the Prophet said the greatest slander mahfum that is the treasure of his people. This is what the Prophet believed and this is the life of the Companions followed by RA. Umar RA when the conquered Persian and receive a pile of treasure ghanimah much he burst into tears because the Prophet never lived mencontohkannya to wallow property. Eventually the property was distributed by umar to his friends who need to run out. Then khadamnya umar said his friends who received the gift even hand them out again until they run out to others. This is exemplified by a friend of RA.
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